Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jinnah resurrects as Jaswant Singh

Jaswant Singh , A Trojan Horse .

Even after 60 plus years of Independence we still have people patronizing a demon called Jinnah in India . This is sorry state of Indian politics which we have to live with . Jaswant Singh by raking up this controversy has shortened his personality . There were hundreds of issues on which he cud have written upon . Jaswant Singh’s comparison of Jinnah with Sardar Patel and speaking very high of Jinna is unpardonable one. This Moron rightly deserves a kick on his butt .


This Trojan-Horse Rajput who serves Opium to friends understand very well that No–Controversies, No-Sales , so his Jinnah controversy is all about economics . Now the same Jaswant Singh is crying out loud that he was kicked out unceremonious way. He quotes ethics, but fail to adhere to it when Party asked him to quit PAC chairman .



Readers you remember Jaswant Singh caught with Opium last year just before elections ??. Iam sure that Jawant singh has written this book Jinnah: India Partition Independence under its influence . Only an Insane person or someone on drugs can think of tampering the Nations history .



This moron was pampered in BJP like no other leader with plum posts and vital ministerial berths in power . Since BJP run short of getting near to the Delhi throne , he got frustrated and annoyed . Since then he is searching for a opportunity to embrace the party and sabotage it from inside . Thankfully this “Trojan Horse was timely exposed by Advani – Rajnath Duo .Maybe after his expulsion he now is seriously thinking of joining Sonia's Con-Party . Sooner or Later he will be in the lap of Madame Sonia Gandhi licking the lolli-pop ( plum post) .



After enjoying the best of posts in & out of power, he now sees racism in the party and dares to compare it with that of American Klan’s (KKK) . If party’s leadership and their Ideology was so racist why did he kept quite for last 30 years ??? After being kicked out of party now he raises hue N cry about Ideology and leadership. He was rightly kicked on his butt , Now not just Jaswant, but all of Jinnah lovers in India will feel the heat of it .



After making Jinnah a Hero , what would be the next publishing subject for Jaswant Singh ? Probably he may pen upon Mahatma Dawood Ibrahim . Maybe he will try to paint Dawood as an real Mahtma in Independent India who with his serial bomb blasts has bought new amity among Hindus and Muslims . If Jaswant is serious to write something on Mahatma Dawood, I wud suggest him to check with Marathi Manoos Sharad Pawar . Coz he has all the copy rights over Mahatma Dawood .



An important thing to ponder upon is why Vajpayee men are revolting? Ever since its debacle in elections Vajpayee coterie in BJP is restless . Jaswant , Vasundhara, Shourie, Khanduri, Yaswant Sinha, Kulkarni, Brijesh Mishra , Pyarelal all these roots less leader are said to be part of Vajpayee coterie . May be they are annoyed over party not coming into power and cant wait another 5 years in opposition or may be they feel they were marginalized in party. If someone able to crack this code then one can easily understand the BJP internal squabble . Remember all these Vajpayee stooges never participated in any road side agitations held by the party , they distanced themselves even from Ayodya movement . It seems like they are allergic to word Hindutva itself .



I’ am quite shocked to see Media fascinating itself by projecting Jaswant Singh as an new Secular-Hero and giving much of its time and space to his theatrical antics . Tons of paper and hours of prime time is wasted on these theatrical antics of Jaswant Singh . Where as one wud have appreciated media, if it have bought serious issues of Drought, Farmers Suicide, Diminishing water table to the notice of rulers. But NO… Rajdeep’s and Pranoy Roy’s are busy debating on BJP internal squabble rather than issues concerning the Nation.



Even if Media assumes Jaswant Singh is right in making Jinnaha a Hero , will this help us in any way . Media shud understand its role and own responsibility in building a Nation .


  1. Well written article. Jaswant's act does raise eye brows.

  2. I think it's utterly moronic to call Jinnah a demon, since his actions were caused purely because of the INC ignoring his every suggestion and demand. He was actually a secular man, a non-practicing Muslim who married a Parsi, and he made sure that Pakistan was dictated by secular policies. I'm not justifying the partition, I'm just asking you to understand where his ideas came from. Maybe if Gandhi and Nehru had provided him equal representation in the Congress, he might have not parted to for the Muslim League and further his cause for partition.

  3. Dude, what do you have to say now...Jaswant is back in the BJP!!!!
