Monday, September 21, 2009

YSR death , God's Hand At Work ???

YSR death , God's Hand At Work ???

Cong Dummies want Mahisasura( YS Jagan)
as Andhra Pradesh CM .

YSR showed the weakness of the Congress party - it had no powerful regional leaders with enough grass roots support to carry the day. He came on the scene when the Congress was in the dumps, the NDA flying high and Chandrababu Naidu reigning supreme in Hyderabad. Sonia had enough sense to let YSR alone to run his campaign and he delivered. While Haryana too delivered, it had only 10 MPs, while Andhra had 42! So YSR mattered a lot. It was only in these two mainstream States that the Congress had an absolute majority on its own (ignoring small States in the Northeast).

YSR's death will be traumatic for the Congress. He was ruthless Congress man, factionist, wholly corrupt, a Christian and hence beloved of Sonia (he had the audacity to let Christian evangelists to proselytize in Tirupathi and all Hindu holy places), and ruthless enough to crush all internal opposition to himself. YSR was vindictive to the core crushing his opponents within the Congress and those outside (his favorite targets being powerful non Reddy politicians and business people like the Rajus and Ramoji Rao of Eenadu publications). No wonder his supporters clamor for his son Jaganmohan Reddy to succeed him in the fond hope the greenhorn will let hem enjoy the spoils of office for some more time before they are booted out.

In the process of building Irrigation projects , he is involved through his son in many scams like popular Satyam, Mayatas, Brahmini steel plant building under Binami name, He and his son relatives forcibly occupied many lands near Krishnapatnam port in Nellore and elsewhere in the state. Please look at the state of his son Jaganmohan Reddy business skills before YSR become a CM in 2004 and present businesses. His son was a completely failed business man in debts. Hardly any major irrigation project completed till now but the projects are still under construction and every six months YSR government was increasing the costs. YSR involved in many scams and used public money to his personal gains. God can not accept mistakes up to some maximum limit and killed him

YSR was no angel on this earth or for that matter to the people of andhra. People who are so 'shocked' by his death that they contemplate dying themselves don't deserve to live in the first place. I cant imagine why people like to think that all people who enter politics, do so with the idea of serving the masses!! So lame...Politics is a venture to make money. And that's what YSR did. Tell me one thing how did a son(YS Jagan) of a factionist make Rs.10000 Cr worth of property without corruption. And just because a person has died it does not mean that everything the person had done was right.....

On the lines of TamilNadu present politics YSR too cleverly started grooming his son Jagan ,in this course made him an MP to be in tuch with Central Leadership . Unfortunately for the family, patry high command have different plans for this Con-Congress MP Jagan

The scale of scams and corruption charges during is YSR rule is unprecedented . The famed NREGA , Rajiv Arogya Shree schemes which wooed the vote banks were vehicles of siphoning government funds by few select corporate hospitals and district mandal in charges. The conceiving of populist schemes is one thing but administering the same to help it reach the last needy hand is quite another.


  1. Jagan Reddy is sprouted of this stock. In 2005, he was accused of orchestrating the murder of controversial TDP leader Paritala Ravindra. The police filed an FIR against him, but a CBI enquiry exonerated him. Still, many lesser stories abound of him unleashing his fury on police constables or inspectors who dared stand up to him. In one such incident, a police inspector caught several men hunting rabbits without license in Simhadripuram town. They turned out to be Jagan’s acolytes. When he landed up at the police station to rescue his friends, there was such a violent melee, the inspector locked himself inside the cell, refusing to come out.

  2. Don't be in an illusion that its the wrath of your pagan/fictitious gods.they are powerless. See how people are making him as a god by building temples for him.This has been how your gods also manufactured by mere men.
    open your eyes folks!
    You want creature-created- creators(your gods) or THE TRUE CREATOR who died for you on the Cross two thousand+ years ago?
    Hope you aren't swines to crush these pearls.


  4. To the qabove Swine - What powerless god r u talking abt u sob -- he dies on a cross instead of fighting - he cudnt protect himself and ur talking abt he helping others .. what non-sense ... Instead look at our Powerful Gods - Lord Ram who single handedly destroyed so many demons or Lord Krishna .. so take ur converted ass somewhere else (where YSR went) or come back to the only true religion - Sanatan Dharama !

  5. From a long time, the dilemma and drama was on regarding the next chief minister of Andhra Pradesh and just when everyone thought that it was none other than Y S Jagan, things have taken a new shape with Sonia Gandhi deciding that Rosaiah would continue till further notice. Since then, many have been wondering as to what could be the reason for Sonia to be stern on her stand when it comes to Jagan’s nomination. Here are a few of the points that seem to have been the causes as per the opinions of people.

    1. First, it is being said that if Sonia were to give the chief minister candidature to Jagan then the chances are high that the other young politicians such as Scindia junior and Pilot junior would press up their demands and would want a similar recognition in their states. Relatively, they are more experienced than Jagan in politics and are currently the members of Parliament. This might be a challenge for Sonia.

    2. Sonia’s family has been known for its sacrifice and that is one good reason why even today, she has not taken up any position in the parliament or assembly. For that matter, Sonia has not even recommended Rahul Gandhi as the possible candidate for the post of Prime Minister. Sources say that for her, it has been sacrifice first and at this point of time, it would be fair on her part to expect the same from Jagan for the sake of the party.

    3. Inside sources also say that Sonia feels giving powers to Jagan would mean giving away the grip of Andhra Pradesh. Once this will go to Jagan then the chances are high that schemes such as Rajiv Arogyasri and Indiramma Padhakam would be changed into YSR schemes and Congress would emerge as a regional party than as an integral part of the united front in the center.

    4. On the other hand, there is also a thought that brother Anil, brother in law of Jagan happens to hold a strong clout in the Christian international missionaries and owing to his strength, there is a chance that support from foreign countries would be feasible if and ever the situation demands.

    5. Though there is a strong sympathy wave, there is also criticism flowing in that the arrival of Jagan might welcome splits in Congress internally.

    Overall, it is a tug of war for power that seems to be on and only time will tell who will be the chosen one.


    Unlike most top politicians, the late Dr Y S Rajasekhara Reddy was not the superstitious kind. To the contrary. As his associates recall, he would actually go out of the way to travel to a place or attend an event that others considered jinxed.
    Which is why YSR’s former professor at the Gulbarga Medical College, Dr P S Shankar, chooses to interpret the former Andhra chief minister’s insistence that he would NOT make it to the Geriatric Conference of India scheduled in Hyderabad between Oct 31 and Nov 1, to which he had been invited, as a kind of premonition.

    The organisers of the event desperately wanted YSR to grace the event. “Despite repeated requests, YSR claimed, rather strangely, that he should not be included in the guests’ list as he would not be there at that time. We thought he was just referring to his normal busy schedule. But in retrospect, it turns out that he had some hunch,” an organiser of the event, who didn’t want to be named, said.

    Refusing to give up, the organisers then approached Dr Shankar to try and make YSR change his mind. “I learnt that YSR had refused to accept the invitation. So, I was planning to visit Hyderabad next week to personally convince him to attend the meet. As a medical practitioner, I do not believe in premonitions. Yet, the fact that before I could meet him in Hyderabad this happened, and considering what he had told the organisers before, YSR did seem to have had a premonition,” Dr Shankar said.

    YSR’s schoolmates in Bellary recall an incident when Reddy had joined St John’s High School in 1958. When his class teacher asked him what he would like to become, Reddy said “Andhra Pradesh’s Chief Minister”. Prescience? Can premonition, then, be far behind?

    Dr Shankar had, in fact, been out of touch with YSR for quite a while. Then, a chance encounter led them to renew their friendship. “In the early 80s, I was travelling in a flight from New Delhi to Hyderabad. I got up from the seat when I heard over the PA that a passenger in seat number 25 had developed a medical complication. Before I could reach the spot, YSR, a certified medical practitioner himself and who was education minister then, also arrived at the scene to treat the patient.” Thereafter, YSR and Dr Shankar were regularly in touch.

    YSR’s old-time friends recall that one of his remarkable qualities was his memory. He was known to remember Congress party activists by name which helped him to get close to the cadre and to voters. Interestingly, YSR seemed to have developed this habit during his college days. “After YSR became Chief Minister, we had the chance to meet him on three or four occasions. Everytime, unfailingly, he recognised each of us by name. He had not forgotten any of us. It showed his charismatic character,” recalls Reddy’s bench mate and the current principal of M R Medical College Dr MallikarjunBhandari.

    YSR’s classmates remember him largely as an average student, but one who was very punctual and never, ever, flunked his exams. He was also a weight-lifter and an avid reader. His favourite book was ‘The Godfather’. He was even then active in student politics. During his MBBS days in M R Medical College, Gulbarga (1966 to 1971), he was elected leader of AP students’ union. “After YSR was elected the leader, there was a clash between AP and Karnataka students,” Bhandari recalls. “YSR was suspended from classes in 1969 for some time. But the suspension issue was never forgotten by him.

    When he came for the college alumni meet in 2005, his first question, half in jest, half in hurt, was why he had been suspended then,” Bhandari added. As all who knew him would attest, YSR, despite becoming a powerful politician, never ceased to remain a sensitive person.

  7. Compass Direct News ( has revealed that Hindu nationalists are calling the helicopter-crash death of Andhra Pradesh state’s chief minister, a Christian, divine punishment for his so-called conversion agenda.

    The story says that the same allegation of a “conversion agenda” fueled

    Yeduguri Sandinti Rajasekhara Reddy
    persecution in the state for more than five years.

    "Yeduguri Sandinti Rajasekhara Reddy, a second-generation Christian in the Church of South India, and four officials were confirmed dead when their helicopter was found on Sept. 3 in the state’s dense forest area of Nallamalla," says Compass Direct News.

    "Since Reddy became chief minister of the southern state in 2004, Hindu nationalist groups had been accusing him of helping Western missionaries to convert economically poor Hindus. Hindu nationalists have been flooding the Internet with extremist comments saying the death of the 60-year-old Reddy, popularly known as YSR, was divine retribution."

    “This is divine justice by Lord Srinivasa [One of the names of Hindu god Venkateshwara, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu],” commented a writer identified only as Jayakumar on the Express Buzz news website. “It is good that it happened so swiftly. Obviously, [Congress Party President] Sonia Gandhi is worried that her plans of completely converting India into a Christian country have received a setback. Let all Hindu-baiters of this country perish like this. Very, very soon.”

  8. ON the Positive Side,we people are corrupted too with politics, we are selfish for FREE items, like Electrcity , Rice, Fees, Houses,Health....what ever is FREE..
