Monday, October 26, 2009

Sewa Bharathi & RSS flood relief work applauded by TV channels

Sewa Bharathi, RSS Flood relief work reported on Sakshi TV chanel

Seva Bharati , RSS Flood Relief( Alampur , Mahabubnagoor Dist) reported on Sakshi TV

Sewa Bharati , RSS Flood work praised by Studio-N TV channel


  1. Hi,

    Can you please, run the following story about Maino clan on the front of your blog for a while.

    The following link is from the website of Dr. Subramanian Swamy’s Janta party, where he has detailed about the fraud this Maino clan has been doing to Bharatvarha and is hiding behind the veil of Dr. Manmohan Singh and Gandhi surname.

    Further the reader of the blog can find videos on you tube where Dr. S. Swamy has said part of it in New york.

    Email and forward this news and web link to everyone you know if you really care about Bharat. Rather than forwarding crap on email forward this.


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