Sunday, February 14, 2010

Jihadis strike Pune, as Police busy in beating Hindu Shiv Sainiks

Nine people were killed and 50 others, including one or two foreigners, injured in a bomb explosion that ripped apart a popular Germany bakery near a Jewish prayer house in Pune on Saturday. Few days back Indian Home Minister Chidambaram congratulated himself saying there were no major terror attacks happened in India in last 14 months. His happiness was short lived as Jihadis ripped off Pune with an explosion.

Bomb Blast goes off in Pune, while Police were busy beating Shiv Sainik’s ,so that Govt can help releasing SRK film' My Name Is Khan' & Shah Rukh’s fellow Muslim brothers have thanked Indians by targetting Pune. Govt is busy providing security to cinema halls. Who will provide security to the common man? Hindu India you deserve to be killed mercilessly for electing Congress govt . Die Hindu’s Die !!! A religion that cannot defend itself does not deserve to survive.

Jihadi have emboldened coz of a weak UPA Govt and a cowardly PrimeMinister. Maha HM is such a joker that he bends to take Rahul Gandhi chappals off and busy in Guarding them and forgot to do this duty of internal security. Can we take such Joker seriously to protect its citizen. Our spine less governments at state and centre have brought the matters to the present state. The Muslim loving policies of congress is the root cause of all this evil. Now I wonder where are Khan’s, Azmi’s why are they taking so long to condemn the attack??

The pontiffs of the English media electronic and print, our politicians will find enough excuses. It's your life and mine that's on the line, and the country's future and peace. They'll condemn the 'dastardly act', appeal for maintaining calm, the new Hon'ble HM Chidambaram will change ten suits(if not Pancha & Dhoti’s) a day and go back till next bomb blast. Who's going to save India, save ur life and mine?

Indian public had seen the worst governance since independence. Other than replaying the same old sentences like “ This is Cowardly act”, “ Terrorism has no religion” , over and over again, what concrete action has our Home Minister ever taken?. As Home Minister he is a washout, he is today a part of the problem and not the solution.

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