Monday, July 12, 2010

Guru Pooja on Internet on July 17

Gurupurnima Utsav Online

|| Sree ||

Namaskar dear all,
Forum for Hindu Awakening is organizing a free online presentation on the auspicious occasion of Gurupurnima. This year, Gurupurnima falls on July 25 2010 (Ashadh Pournima, as per Hindu lunar calendar).The presentation will, however, be done on July 17.
Did you know that:

- On the day of Gurupurnima , the Guru principle of God is 1000 times more active than any other day

- Gurupurnima is a day to express gratitude towards one's Guru. Each seeker (spiritual aspirant) should celebrate this day in the best possible manner to receive Guru’s blessings in abundance

Topic: Gurupurnima and importance of Guru in one’s life

Date/time: July 17 2010 (Saturday), 11:30 am – 1 pm IST (Indian Standard Time)

Mode: Online on internet and Skype audio conference

Please let me (email: gaurav.dctm at know if you are interested in attending this presentation by July 15 and will share details with you.

We have limited connections available, so please hurry!

1. Request you to please review and post the following on your blog
2. Request you to please post the following You Tube videos on Gurupurnima/importance of Guru, on your blog as well:

Kind regards,
Gaurav Kathuria
“Forum for Hindu Awakening”

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