Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A year after 'Rakshasa YSR' death

Sept - 2nd ,

this day last year my dreams had come true .


YSR's death will be traumatic for the Congress. He was ruthless Congress man, a factionist, wholly corrupt, a Christian and hence beloved of Sonia then (he had the audacity to let Christian evangelists to proselytize in TirumalaTirupathi and all Hindu holy places), and ruthless enough to crush all internal opposition to himself. YSR was vindictive to the core crushing his opponents within the Congress and those outside (his favorite targets being powerful politicians and business people like the Rajus and Ramoji Rao of Eenadu publications). No wonder his supporters clamor for his son Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy to succeed him in the fond hope the greenhorn will let hem enjoy the spoils of office for some more time before they are booted out.

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