Friday, December 24, 2010

Mad race for 'Prime Minister' chair in Congress

Telecom 2G spectrum allotment , which has costed countrys exchequer to the tune of 1.70 Crores , has also rocked internal fight between Manmohan Singh , Pranab Mukharjee and Chidambaram. Every other minister is trying to corner his immediate competitor . There is a Mad race going on to dethrone MM Singh and occupy PM Chair . Sonia Gandhi , in turn wants to keep the PM Chair warm until her Prince Rahul Gandhi can take it over. But recent Bihar elections have  punctured Sonia’s dream of seeing Rahul baba in HOT chair , before the 2014 General Elections.

Though Telangana issue has taken much of my mind space these days , still Iam following 2G Spectrum fiasco very closely . Its not 2G scandal that amused me , but the dirty Politico-Corporate alliance .

  1.  Have you ever wonder why Radia tapes were released now and by whom ?
  2. Why leaks are aimed at corporate  biggies like TATA ?
  3.  Who exposed Adarsh Housing Scam , and at whom it is aimed at? 
  4. Why Digvijay Singh is issuing statements that can compromise Internal Security?
  5. Was recent  Varnasi small Bomb Blast part of larger game plan ??
  6. Does CBI has produced new teeth overnite, now that it is biting DMK, if so on whose behest?
  7. Is it true a Prime Ministrial candidate has encouraged YS Jagan to start new Party ?

Like wise there are hundreds of Q’s which are unanswered . Lemme try to ponder in detail on above Q’s for the sake of my readers .

Friends if you were a practical observer of national politics you mite see a hidden game by Sonia to kick out Manmohan Singh from PM chair , citing corruption or misrule or may be forced to quit showing his old age . There’s enough evidence to say MMSingh now has outgrown from Sonia’s shadow and is not ready to play second fiddle to her .  He may be forced to step down any moment by Sonia , sacking of Maharashtra CM Chavan on Adarsh Scam or cutting wings of Kalamdi over CWG Scam clearly indicates that Sonia Gandi wants MMSingh out of PM chair.

This understanding of things has led to MAD rat race between Pranab Mukherjee and Chidambaram . Each of them want to be in HOT chair and thus rattling to corner the other by leaking one scam after the other . The beauty is both Pranab & Chidambaram want MM Singh to be replaced , and in their hearts they knew ,Rahul Gandhi is not ready yet to ascend the chair. Which makes one of them as favorite.

Not to forget 2G Spectrum was first exposed by Pioneer Newspaper whose Editor is an BJP Rajya Sabha Member. Subramanya Swamy who is spearheading movement against 2G Spectrum scandal is close to BJP . Chandra Shekar Rajya Sabha MP who exposed Corporate biggie Ratan Tata is also an BJP associate member . MJ Akbar  Wud-be editor of India-Today magazine , who have just started firing salvos is rumored to be close to BJP . Wot I dont understand is how BJP is so involved in exposing scandals and who is supplying fodder to her???

So, let me do the anatomy of dirty power games being played by our Leaders.

Manmohan Singh : He is mute . Though he is  seated in HOT chair , he has no clue of whats happening in his Govt . Still , he wants to be in power . Unlike his two competitors he is naïve to dirty politics , so he is just a mute spectator , until he is kicked out. But for sure he knows that formula TINA( there is no alternative). Yep there is no TINA to Rahul Gandhi ascending chair , and until he is ready Sonia has to support him . She cant risk making Pranab or Chidambaram sit in PM chair. So he feels he is safe until year 2014 . To make water more messy his PMO is releasing secret Info on Pranab & Chidambaram scandals  to Subramanya Swamy and MJ Akbar.

Pranab Mukherjee: Old Jackal , knows all the tricks of the book. His “Secret Dream” is to be in PM Chair for Once in his life time. He knows Sonia’s mind that she is planning to replace MMSingh , and he felt he would be her natural choice . But heavens fell over him when he found out Chidambaram is in race .  So to keep him off the race he started targeting him . Pranab has cleverly exposed  Bank Housing Loan Scam , then Chidambaram was the Finance Minister and also nailed Sharad Pawar thru Food Scandal. Pawar is an votary of Chidambaram . Filed criminal cases against all Banking top shots who are said to be close to Chidambaram . Pranab dint even spared Chidambarams wife who is is an legal advisor to few of these Banks. He instigated his protégée Digvijay Singh to target Chidambaram on Internal Security . Watch Digvijays statement for last 2 years all are targeted at Chidambaram policies. Pranab wants Left parties support so he planed Mamata Banerji exit by not forming alliance in local body elections in Bengal . He put blame on Chidambaram for mishandling & supporting Telangana formation which has divide congress in AP. He said to have adviced YS Jagan to start new party , so that in future he gets his MPs to support him . He want another Sharad Pawar to be installed in form of YS Jagan in South India.

Chidambaram : Youngest . He knows that only by defaming Pranab , he can get into HOT chair . So, he leaked Radia tapes and made sure Ratan Tata come under scanner . Ratan Tata is an old friend of Pranab Mukherjee . He leaked Adarsh Defence Scam to put Pranab in Dock, as Pranab was former defence minister . Allowed raids on DMK , with whom he had long enmity. What concrete evidence this delayed raids will gather is an different matter . With exit of DMK he want some space of his own on his home Turf . To win over new friends like KCR , he convinced Sonia and hurriedly declared formation of Telangana state. To prove his Secular credentials and out smart Pranabs protégée Digvijay , he started nailing RSS-BJP by inventing an illusionary “Saffron Terror”. Both Pranab and Chidambaram are using RSS as punch bag to prove their Secularism.

Sonia Gandhi : Knows how to use her trump card . She knows of the MAD race in her party  for HOT chair . So , to nuke all the dirty plans and to keep HOT chair warm for her Prince Rahul , she may go for an mid term poll . She know public outrage against her UPA Govt is at its peak . MMSingh is not so submissive to her as he was earlier . To vaporize all these threats , snap poll is the only solution left for her .  To maker Prince sit on HOT chair , she knows RSS-BJP are the biggest immediate threat . To overcome and divert the attention of masses from corruption , she will encourage every sundry in her party to hit at RSS-BJP and plant the seeds of  illusionary  ‘Saffron –Terror’in the minds of Aam Admi .  This will push RSS-BJP in Defense and win over minority votes .

Aam Hindu : This Aam-Hindu is furious , he always is, as peaceful as Lord Shiva sitting in Yoga mudra with eyes closed . But, When someone pokes him ( as now Sonia poking Hindus with Saffron Terror) he gets furious and does a Tandav Nritya which will shake all the Tri-Loks and imagine what happens if Lord Shiva like Aam-Hindu opens his Third Eye ???  Snap polls may boomerang on Sonia Gandhi , coz Aam-Hindu is  furiously waiting to put  whole of corrupt Congress behind bars, lock it and throw away Keys in Indian Ocean .

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