Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 WTC attack has cemented my will to fight Islamic Terrorism

Now its almost a Decade, since Allah’s followers attacked America and maimed thousands of American’s and other National. Its one of the gruesome terror plot ever executed anywhere on face of the Earth. That day (9/11, 2001) , I will never be able to forget and no freedom loving person should ever forgive the Crime committed on Innocent civilians . The gruesome visuals which were broadcasted on Indian TV channels is still fresh in my memory .

Where ever I’am on this day, I rise to pay my condolences to all the victims of Islamic -Terror , who lost their lives in different parts of the world . May lord give strength to us all to fight the Islamic Tyranny, and Bless us to be Victorious.

One Day before 9/11, 2001 , I came to Hyderabad (India) from my home town to meet my cousin-Sister . That night we both chatted till late in the night . I slept very late. I could hear someone yelling my name. I was in deep sleep , and felt that sound came from too far away . I could not recognize my cousin-sisters voice in sleep. Sensing no response from me, she came to my bed and shook me violently, in turn I woke up only to see a ‘terrified’ expression on my cousins face . She , with a choked voice said to me that plane has crashed into World Trade Centre (WTC). I told my Sister to calm down and I tried to pacify her saying it must be a foggy day and plane crash could be just an accident. And I went to brush my teeth , with in no time she came running saying that another plane crashed into WTC. I was bit irritated thinking that she might have seen the Replay of the same visual in different angles. I wish it was true , but I was shocked to see TV visuals , I could not believe myself that anything of this nature of Terrorist Attack can ever happen on American soil.

For next 30 min’s or so , Me , my Cousin and my Brother-in-Law were dumb stuck. More news started rolling on , that another plane crashed into Pentagon and news came of few failed attempts elsewhere in USA . President Geoge W Bush came on Televison to address the Nation and said it is WAR on America and Pronounced Emergency in the country . Then , that part of time we could understand the seriousness of the attack.

The whole day Me and My cousin went through a great pain. We don’t even remember any of daily events , we were so pre-occupied with the Attack thoughts that we missed our morning cup of Tea and Breakfast.

I did not moved a Minute from my seat , my heart grieved to hear that thousands of civilians were killed during the WTC attack. More I saw of burning Pentagon, Collapse of Twin Tower and more I grieved. The fire balls of Pentagon, the Dust & Smoke at Twin Towers were more like a scene from an Hollywood film. But this was too real and one is forced to believe it .

After Nine years, every time I remember WTC attack , I keep saying Myself Never Forget - Never Forgive these Islamic Jihadis . Annihilate them before they find some more Innocent Victims.

Lemme assure Americans that you guyz are not alone on waging WAR-on-Terror , We are with you, the whole of Free-World is with you. I assure on behalf of Billion -Hindu’s that we are with you and and I pass on my deepest Condolences to family members who were killed by Islamic Terrorist on 9/11. And vehemently pray to Lord to grant a place for those souls at his ABODE.

Some things leave foot print permanently on ones mind . First Day at College , First Salary , First Kiss …. like wise one is also forced to remember some tragic incidents in ones life like , Loss of closed ones , Betrayal , mistrust and so on ….. Some are worthy of being remembered and remaining are forced upon to remember .

I remember this day as, that which have cemented my Will to fight against Islamic Terrorism .

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