Sunday, October 2, 2011

Duratma Gandhi, an Hidden enemy of Hindu's !!!

Jinnah & Gandhi
September 1944 Bombay, Gandhi talks over Jinnahs overtures for a Pakistan

Hidden enemies are more dangerous than open enemies. Gandhiji was one such hidden enemy of Hindus. But he tried to be the saint , where infact he was pure political leader he did nothing but paralyzing the Hindus in the name of non violence. Gandhi is real blot in the history of India ,his charm of Non-Violence is laced with timidness and masked with treachery and this charm was over cast only on Hindus .

His Peace preaching’s among Hindus made them like Eunuchs and gave the all needed encouragement for the Muslim thugs. This eventually led to vivesection of our Motherland . He always fancied himself by always rushing and fasting to save muslims from Hindu retaliation but forgetting to save Hindus when they were first attacked. Gandhi is all within his born right to let himself killed , or see his relatives getting killed....But he has absolutely no right to ask any person of any religion to get killed .That akins to suicide.

Spiritual leaders dont do any fasting every time if their demands are not met. But Gandhiji did fasting everythime anything went against his wish .This is disgusting . If he was a saint which I doubt , infact if he was not then he should have never took part in active politics. Saints dont hold any position in politics, but they advise the leaders and guide the masses .
No man is greater than country but gandhi tried to be greater than our country by projecting himself as larger than life Image and as sole torch bearer of freedom movement . This is definetly kaliyuga where the sickest of vile like Gandhi are still adored and most honourable, brave , righteous like Subash Bose and Savarkar are mocked .

Gandhi as an Leader failed on every front ,infact as an freedom fighter he delayed our Independence . He made so many historical blunders like of supporting Khilafat movement , praising the killers of Swami Shradanand, Forcibly removing Netaji from his post as congress president and granting 55 crores to Pakistan that in turn proved to be costly in coming days .

His ‘saintliness’ was an mask — his political idea of clubbing religion and politics was a disaster for Hindu's . Unlike Sri Aurobindo, he never left politics to live as an Spirtual man , Gandhi was a politician to the core.

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