Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Chiranjeevi son Ram Charan does a 'Chillar-jeevi' act on Hyderabad road

Daddy is known for betraying the Telangana cause , Babai is much famous for failed relationships, Abbai is Roadside Brawler , Ammai _______ . Wot a Mega Family !!! The rage was all about his Aston Martin. This Little Jerk is hardly visible with his 5'3'' height, but does a filmy act of Villainy and go scot free . He takes the advantage of his Minister father and escapes from demonic behaviour. This Lilliput has no guts to face the situation like a Man , calls his security to rough up the techies . If this Lilliput was a Man, should have fought it like a Man as he does in films, instead like filmy Villains sends Goondas to attack techies .Next time this Lilliput Ape man comes out on roads let him put a board on his car " Beware Ram Charan Inside , give way", on par with the boards we keep on our gate  " Beware of  Dog" . The State Law should immediately dwell upon this issue as this spoiled brat moving around may jeopardise the safety of civilians .

 Why Hyderabad Police is mute to all the Goonda acts of this spoiled brat ? Why Police are hesitating to book suo-motto case , which they always fancy to do with Telangana students ?? So different yardstick of Policing for different regions ?? Dear Hyderabad Police hereafter every time you see this  spoiled brat in his Aston Martin , pull him over to educate him of road manners .

Get Well Soon Ape Man .

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