Friday, May 23, 2014

Lets clean our temples.

Youth-For-Seva (Seva Bharati) on May 4th (PIX are posted ) has taken up drive to clean Keesaragutta Temple  surroundings. YFS has decided to continue the drive again on coming Sunday.

Keesaragutta Temple (HYD) Clean-up Drive.
25th May 8 AM- 11 AM
Contact Num: 8143833501

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. For us our Home is an temple so we clean it daily and keep it clean. But our Temples which is believed as Gods abode are  untidy & smelly. We are the reason for that mess and filth near our temples. We take coconuts and other offerings in plastic bags after the rituals we dump those bags at the vicinity. We care a damn. Its not my place is the feeling. We forget that we are polluting the temple premises where our Gods & Goddesses stay.

 These days what Temples need is not your offerings but your participation in keeping the surroundings  clean. Kindly remember polluting Gods abode is a Sin and do not expect boon/blessings from God while spreading pollution at his Home :) . You would not like to live in an untidy place , so do your Gods & Goddesses .

Lets Clean Our Temples is the clarion call of Youth For Seva & Seva Bharathi. So, Join Hands with Youth-For-Seva in cleaning up Keesaragutta Temple , Hyderabad on May 25th 8 AM - 11 AM .

1 comment:

  1. Hats off and a big Thank You to YFS for this initiative. Several temples all over our country face this littering menace as there is no proper waste disposal system in the surrounding areas. Hopefully this will encourage and motivate similar initiatives all over India.
