Monday, December 8, 2014

Balagokulam in Hyderabad.

"Balagokulam" is yet another offshoot of RSS just like Seva-Bharati & Tech-For-Seva. Balagokulam is for kids who are 5 years and above. Last week, Balagokulam Kids from 37 centres in HYD came together for their Annual event.

Balagokulam is a voluntary organization which is striving to instil pride and confidence in children about our culture and nation. Through a wide variety of interesting and fun activities like Games, Stories, Bhajans, Shlokas, Arts and Crafts, the forum imparts time-tested values such as patriotism, service, discipline, courage, for building a dynamic personality out of children.

 There are 37 Balagokulam centers throughout Hyderabad where more than 800 children participate on a weekly basis. All the Balagokulam sessions are conducted absolutely free by team of dedicated & passionate Swayamsevaks.

For more Pix of the event , click

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