Sunday, March 8, 2015

On Eve of Womens Day . కొమ్మ చెక్కితే బొమ్మ రా...కొలిచి మొక్కితే అమ్మ రా by Ande Sree

I'm not a great follower of Womens Day or any such days. But seeing few I know getting sentimental about "Womens Day" , I post this wonderful song కొమ్మ చెక్కితే బొమ్మ రా... కొలిచి మొక్కితే అమ్మ రా.Just focus on the Lyrics. Song is written by Ande Sri an Nandi Awardee resident of Warangal , Telangana.

There's an interesting story attached to this song "కొమ్మ చెక్కితే బొమ్మ రా...కొలిచి మొక్కితే అమ్మ రా " . My friend Lakshmana Chary once took Andey Sri to Medaram the holy shrine of great women warriors "Sammakka & Sarakka". Its an tribals holy shrine. Lakshmana Chary introduced Andey Sri to Tribal Woman Priest of the Temple and asked her to give Garland as blessing. Woman Chief Priest for some unknown reasons got miffed and she refused.

Both Chary & Ande Sri walked a distance and sat on floor. Knowing Andey Sri poetry skills Chary asked him to sing a song in honour of tribal deities , Ande Sri sang "కొమ్మ చెక్కితే బొమ్మ రా...కొలిచి మొక్కితే అమ్మ రా " . Iam told by Chary that he sang so emotionally that he felt the vibrations across the Medaram temple. The result is Woman Chief Priest who refused earlier , took out the Garland from main idol rushed to put it on Andey Sri and apologised.

Woman Chief Priest of tribal shrine who refused earlier was so moved to song that much against the ritual went on to bless Ande Sri by honouring him inside the sancta-sanctorum.

Brief Intro of Andey Sri : Andey Sri never went to school he is an illiterate yet writes beautiful poetry, Goddess Saraswati resides on his tongue. He is an orphan and a Dalit , his mother discarded him after his birth for unknown reasons.  Former president of Viswa-Hindu-Parishad (VHP) and Telugu Head Of Dept Osmania University Biruduraju Rama Raju of Madikonda village groomed Ande sri. Andey Sri considers himself a foster son of Mr Rama Raju.

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