Monday, February 22, 2016

Brundavan Gau-Shala Warangal

On a friends invitation happen to visit Hanumakonda . During this visit had a chance to visit Brundavan Goshala run by few Swayamsevaks. Most of the Hindus are Cow worshippers , we treat it as Mother. But majority of them are mute spectators when they are illegally sent to slaughter houses.

Unlike others, these Gau-premis took up the gauntlet to save Cows. They understood mere shouting to ban cow slaughter wont help and only practical way to help gau-mata is to educate the farmers and start a shelter(Gau shala) for abandoned ones.

Swayamsevaks had to fight it out on streets to save a big contingent of Cows/Bulls being illegally transported to Al-Kabeer slaughter house. I was an practical observer to their fight against Police department of Warangal led by an anti Hindu officer.

To save the cows they had to run from pillar to post. Knocked every door for help from Dist court to High Court, from Former DGP to Former High Court Justice, from MsLA to Public prosecutors. In the end , they came out triumphantly with the High Court intervention which passed the orders to District Collector favoring Gau-shala.

Brundavan Gau-shala has 200+ cows/bulls. If you are in Hanumakonda please do take out time to visit the place . To be amidst so many Gau-matas is an different experience.

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