Wednesday, June 5, 2013

KCR : The Raghunandan Drama. Part III

Who is behind Raghunadan's attacking Harish Rao ? Is Raghunandan part of well scripted Drama by KCR Family to protect their hegemony ?? Will the said CD which has proof of taking Money from KVP will see the Light ??? Who is behind video recording of suitcases filled with currency notes in posh Delhi Asoka Hotel ????

When Raghunandan suspension was announced by TRS , one can hear the the heightening disturbed sounds of Bees around beehive . The man who was part of the TRS , since its formation day has been shown the Door. He was also part of the KCR coterie , more than that he was familiar to Telanganaites coz of his Oratory skills presented in defending KCR on all TV Channel debates.

Yet , he was thrown out , much to the happiness of Andhra Media. The media danced on its own showcasing Raghunandan as an Hero taking on mighty KCR in Telangana. Overnight Raghunandan was seen on all TV Channels parroting the same words again and again. Yet Andhra Media eugalised him with out any shame.

I was watching all his TV Interviews , at times laughed at his Sound bytes. He kept on saying he will present all the proofs to the Media after 48 Hrs. his one sound byte of having a CD has charged the atmosphere. it was Music to Andhra Chor Media . The Andhra Chor Media believed him religiously and eagerly waitied the deadline of Raghunandan's 48 Hrs to complete. Andhra Media was expecting Raghunandan to present the and Explosive CD , which their TV Channels can play agaian and again till eternity and sling mud on pious Telangana agitation .

And the much awaited end of the Raghunandan's 48 Hrs deadline has finally arrived , but he did not present any evidence to the the Media for the allegations he made earlier against Harish Rao. But Raghunandan fancied himself without any remorse or shame gave a new sound byte of Harish Rao collection Rs 80 Lakhs from Padmalaya Studio . it was again a mere allegation and no concrete proof to substantiate his diatribe.

Not many people know that Monkey dance of Andhra Chor media on Raghunandan has helped KCR immensely . Watching the repeated telecast of Raghunandan episode on TV Channels , KCR must be rolling on floor with laughter in his farmhouse. KCR is the only one who is much happier with the Raghunandan events. This issue has brought him much happiness and relief.

KCR using Raghunandan has cleverly pre-empted all the threats to his political hegemony. There was a serious threat to his supremacy in the party coz of his failure deadlines on Telangana fromation . Harish Rao , his nephew was waiting in the wings to do the COUP against KCR to take the reigns of TRS and Telangana Bhavan.

The Haris Rao COUP threat was hanging on KCR head as damocles sword . Unless Harish Rao dignity is punctured and mud thrown on his character the COUP was imminent anytime after the Local Body Elections in July. The growing prominence of harish Rao popularity among Telangana people has also ringed the warning bells.

To avert the COUP KCR chosed his trusted Lieutenant Raghunandan to malign Harish Rao and defame him publicly. Entire Raghunandan talk was scripted by KCR. If you watch Raghunandan presser , one can notice he being very very soft on KCR but harsh on Harish Rao. The entire concentration of his diatribe was against Harish Rao. Where as the truth is KCR & his Family Son KTR, Daughter Kavitha are epicenter for the Corruption or extortion in Telangana.

Raghunandan being a hardcore follower & coterie member of KCR , doesnt he have any other better evidence to show aginst KCR & Family ?? I seriously doubt it. I an ordinary, naive Blogger cud bring better document evidence against KCR corruption , he being part of coterie did not had a chance to lay his hands on some document proof ???

Iam not surprised at why KCR chosed Ragunandan to do a Trojan horse kind of scripted Drama. KCR knew that Raghu is his pet dog, he will bark only when its rightful owner asks to bark. Raghu did the same. The choice of using Raghu in tarnishing Harish Rao image is also interesting. KCR did not trusted other but went with Raghu who is also a Velama by caste. KCT though wanted to checkmate Harish Rao , but did not used someone from other castes , coz that wud have drawn fury from entire Velama community.

Raghunandans sweet talk of KCR that he has details of KCR taking money thru Cheques from Business houses is trying to save his ass. if you try & read between the lines Raghu presser , he was giving a clean certificate to KCR saying that , KCR collected all the funds only theu Cheques , which is legal . Raghunandan was trying to tell us that KCR never took any cash but only dealt with Cheques. Let him understand public is not so foolish to believe his words or that of KCR's.

After much needed damage done to Harish Rao's integrity , KCR pulled back the strings from Raghunandan. mark My words, Raghunandan will bark for some more time , but just before 2014 elections he will come back to the TRS as his assigned mission is accomplished . For his obedience , KCR will appreciate him with MLA ticket as an Thanks-Giving gesture.

Not knowing all happenings as KCR scripted Drama , One  Foxy Seemandhra leader has given Raghunandan a CD which has some evidence against the money collection. Foxy  over jealous acts to down the KCR has boomeranged on him . Now he stands exposed for poking KCR at wrong place. Recording the private acts happening in Politicans Bedrooms is nothing new to this Seemandra Foxy. There's strong Buzz that Ex Governor ND Tiwari Sexcapade acts were recorded by Foxy henchemen to bring EL Narsimhan to RajBhavan to crush Telangana movement.

I was fully aware of Harish Rao revolting against the KCR , I Tweeted the same almost 40 days back ( My Tweet produced below) . Since then i was eagerly waiting to see how wud KCR pre-empt the COUP.

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