Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Let there be a CBI inquiry on KCR Family assets and his "Ghost Businesses'

Let there be a CBI Inquiry against KCR . Part IV

It looks like KCR maneuvered Raghunandan Drama very well and gifted himself a breathing time . Or else a COUP was imminent . Few assume Raghunandan hereafter be dumped as an used condom , as KCR hereafter doesnt like to be seen as the Director of the Drama ?? Nope , The Drama is not over , The Plot is unfinished, KCR , The maverick will use Raghunandan to consolidate his position further and neutralise all the threats which are hanging like a Damocles Sword over his Head.

For last few months , I have been spearheading a campaign against KCR on Twitter. I had clearly mentioned in my Tweets of the possibility of CBI Inquiry against KCR , on par with YS Jagan. I was proved right , one of the Telugu Newspaper has published the story on same lines . On 12 the April I tweeted that SoniaG has prepared a dossier on KCR illgotten money , his investment in ShipYards and Mines will be part of CBI investigation, Telugu Newspaper Suryaa
Dt 1-05-2013 has complimented my Tweet with its story on its Main Edition .

I have produced My Tweet in this Post.

As i mentioned earlier , Raghunandan is used by KCR not just to preclude Harish Rao from doing Coup , but also to clear his path of thorns like that of CBI Inquiry and all other things which can jeoparadise his Political career.

Did you ever wondered , why Raghunandan met CBI Jt Dir JD Lakshmi Narayana ?? We were made to believe that he met CBI Jt Dir to hand over evidences against KCR ??? Do you believe this ???

If Raghunandan has any worthwhile evidence against KCR and if he really wanted to nail him , he would have preferred to present them to Media and expose KCR. Media , with its biased telecast could have done more damage to KCR credibility . Thus Raghunandan had a chance to make KCR stand guilty in front of the Public. But he chosed to go to CBI and submit the "said" proof in secret.

Raghunandan meeting CBI Dir is a fact , but my question is what is the gaurentee that Raghunandan has submitted "said" proofs against KCR to CBI. He said to media standing outside the CBI Office and we are forced to believe it. My understanding of this episode of 'Soap Opera' is , its part of KCR script that Raghunandan met CBI.

I'll explain how , Raghunandan is an Senior Lawyer , he is the one who is credited to have got bail for Asaddudin Owaisi , who was arrested after his Bro's hate speech. Raghunandan being a Lawyer should know how CBI Works. CBI is just an investigating agency and does not file F.I.R on its own. To book a case against KCR extortion , Raghunandan either has to Lodge a case with Local Police Dept or file a petition in High Court asking for a CBI inquiry against KCR Corruption.

But Raghunandan , did not do any of the above. he neither filed an F.I.R with Police nor submitted a petition in High Court. All this is done to neutralise and pre-empt others who are willing to file cases against KCR. Mind you one cud not file a case against anyone with CBI , can bring it to its notice .

On May 13th I Tweeted that a PIL (Public Interest Litigation) will be shortly filed against KCR in High Court. KCR too is well aware of a PIL ( the way Minister Shankar Rao filed against YS Jagan) being filed against him in High Court demanding a CBI Inquiry on KCR Assets. KCR cleverly using Raghunandan to file the PIL and again prempt others from filing another PIL against him.

Raghu 2 days back said he will file the PIL ( I Tweeted this almost 10 days back) , was part of a clever ploy, he will for sure file the PIL , but will present weak evidence during the Court proceedingd . With no substantial proofs being present to Court , Honorable Judge will quash the PIL. The result of this ploy is KCR will be safe from CBI Inquiry and so any new PIL's will not be entertained in near future by any Court against KCR. With this all the treats of CBI & PIL have been neatralised.

This is the big story behind KCR's Raghunandan Drama . One should praise the selection of Actor (Raghu) for this Drama. He chosed someone from His own caste , Velama , someone who is part of his coterie and someone who is an Lawyer . All praises for KCR , for his shrewd cunningness.

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