Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Rayal Telangana is fantastical nonsense .

Lot has been written and said about formation of Rayal Telangana state clubbing Anantapur and Kurnool districts in TG. I strongly feel its just an well planned leak, cleverly planted by Congress to divert the attention of Politicians & Masses so that it finishes its pending work on AP bifurcation. I feel it will be a normal Telangana with 10 Districts. There can be some strings attached to Hyderabad , it cud be minor strings . 

Rayalseema has its own Culture & History , like any region its their pride. It can not and shud not be truncated to facilitate the political ambitions of Political partys. Any Idea of dividing Rayalseema shud be challenged and such proceedings should be immediately arrested . 

The concept of Rayal Telangana itself is weird and totally absurd. If we consider Rayal Telangana as an possibility in an hypothetical scenario then it will be a major advantage for Telangana with Srisailam Dam and Power generating units going TG way. At the same time Telangana will have to feed Ananatapur the most backward Dist with Hyderabad surplus revenues.

Lets hope good sense prevail on our rulers and desist from playing the sentiments of Rayalseema natives. Apart from few Political brigands (who have Bus Transport business whose interest lie in Hyderabad) there is no popular demand for Rayal Telangana from masses . Neither UPA-II or GoM has done any exercise on the same. It shud also be noted that almost all Political Party's and Stake holders are vehemently opposing any division of Seema region .

Clubbing Anantapur & Kurnool with TG will also not go well with Telanganaites. They will see it as an yet another conspiracy to dominate them politically in post-bifurcation era. Such Idea will kick start yet another Separate movement against the 2 districts of Seema . This will further vitiate the atmosphere and make Settlers the soft target . Lets hope Congress will not sow the seeds of hatred in the name of finding solution for the present problem . Considering all the probabilities , I strongly feel that Rayal Telangana is an ploy to take off focus from GoM and confuse the stakeholders.

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