Thursday, December 5, 2013

We fought for REAL Telangana not for Rayal Telangana.

Rayal Telangana is Mad Man's idea. There is no rationale behind it. If Seemandhra Plutocrats think with such absurd ideas they can still rule us post bifurcation then let them rethink their strategy. We gonna never compromise on our Self Rule & Self Respect. Telangana will never accept anything other than that of its 10 districts. 

We are ageless Warriors , fighting for our state for last 60 years and we have enough power & patience to carry on the battle till our goal is achieved. Probably now the time had come to wage one final battle with Andhra brigands. 

Final War >> Its "us v/s them" , "us" is all the people of Telangana and "them" is those Andhratards who treat our region as their colony. Does Delhi rulers wants us to go back to 1969 "Quit Telangana - Idli Sambar Go Back" agitation where in Andhra Settlers fled Telangana in middle of the the night. Then, So be it. 

We have no personal grudge against Rayalseema people , both the regions are one way or other victims of Andhra Plutocrats. This new state concept could be an Andhra brigands cunning strategy to make Telangana & Seema fight among themselves. Andhra brigands are capable of hatching such conspiracies.

1200 Telangana students gave their today for formation of TG with 10 Dists , we will not allow their Martyrdom to go waste. We will not stop till Telangana state with 10 dists is formed . Such State formation will be the real tribute for our Martyrs.

Let the Delhi Rulers boil this down to simplest solution possible >>> Its Telangana with 10 Dists. Nothing Less Nothing More. Our 60 years fight is for REAL Telangana Not For Rayal Telangana. THere is no political consensus on RT . Except Owaisi MIM all other political Partys BJP, TRS & CPI vehemently oppose Rayal Telangana State . Any step by Delhi on RT will vitiate the peaceful atmosphere .

Lets hope gud sense prevail over UPA-II and stop experimenting with the lives of Telangana Natives. Let Congress standby its CWC resolution and create REAL Telangana. I have a strong feeling that it will be a REAL TG and the new Idea floated in Media is just an diversion from main issue so that GoM be free from Andhra pressure.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure you are not Telugu.
    In that your parentage is not Telugu. You seem more like Maharashtrian. Is that the basis of your views?
