If we had followed Veer Savarkar..
Veer Savarkar had said: "Hinduise politics and militarise Hindus!" We hadn't paid much attention to his good advice. But as soon as Gandhi said: "We need Hindu-Muslim unity at any cost", we all ran after this falsehood and lost half of our land. But the surprising thing is that as soon as we mention unity of the Hindus, we are told that Hindu unity has been made impossible by the politicians. Thus, it appears that Hindu unity is impossible but Hindu-Muslim unity is quite feasible! What kind of rubbish is this?
Hi to all hindu brothers, i am a muslim and i have read an article in ur website whcih alert hindu and sikh girls stateing not to get in touch with muslim boys because they will convert them to muslims. Well there are many hindus, christians, sikhs, buddist etc accepting islam irespective of there gender because they realise that it is a true religion. Well i do not want to write anything bad about ur religion or hindus as this is ur job to false things about other religion, this even know to the person who wrote that article. Who ever understand what i wrote indicate that u people are not iliterate. I would like to recommend two books for u to read and understand about islam. 1 Holy Quran and 2. Muhammed(SAS)in vedas and puranas, author of this book is a learned hindu. Hope this will give u better way to understand ISLAM. Jazak Allah
this show how you ppl get fooled.
"Muhammed(SAS)in vedas" is written to fool hindu ppl at the time of muslim power.....
i have read some of the book which climes that Muhammed in vedas ... its all fake.....
for your kind information ....
muslim religion is form for getting power in arab world [by mohammad paigambar]. in the 600 CE
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