Looks like India is fast moving towards Dictatorship under Sonia regime . It had done the most unthinkable of curbing the free speech . For no reason SoniaG regime has banned popular Hindutva website www.HinduJagruti.org , to please its Muslim Votebank. No particular reason was given for the censorship . UPA Govt other day blamed Pakistani websites for spreading rumours over Assam violence , but showed its hallowness by banning an Hindutava website. Many of Twitter handles are said to be blocked. Even an third rated country like Afghanistan will think twice gagging patriot voices on Internet.
It was the Muslims who took to killings of Hindu Bodo tribals in Assam , it was Muslims who rioted in Mumbai , Lucknow and other parts of Bharath varsh , its the Muslims who threatened North-East people all over the country and forced mass EXODUS , yet Indian Govt thought it fit to take action against an Hindutva Website. Is this undeclared Emergency in the Country ??
We were silent when UPA-1 banned hindutva site www.HinduUnity.org , for exposing alleged rape of Sukanya and Rahul Gandhi's involvement . The silence has embolden the rulers and led to gagging the www.HinduJagruti.org . For how long Hindus will remain silent ??
Keep your Eyes open, Congress Party may engineer more communal rifts to divert public attention from mis-governance and corruption . Its an well planned strategy , disturbance will be strategically managed so that it can occupy the minds/thoughts of the people 24/7 , and keep them engaged in unproductive and in non-rebellious state.
There is an strong BUZZ among political circles that Rahul Gandhi will be "coronated" as Prime Minister in six months from now. Everything (rifts/riots) may be planned in such way that people LONG for having someone from DYNASTY to save them from the present "imbroglio". Once the Prince (RahulG) is crowned , the perpetrators/handlers will withdrew from Crime and Peace will prevail . In Election Year (2013) Prince Rahul at helm of affairs , Peace restored, will claim himself the natural Heir to rule the country . And sadly People may fall for the ploy.
I know the above one may beat your rational logic , it sounds like an spy fiction . I dont blame you . Politics itself beat the LOGIC. Fine. I will narrate a story from Bhagwan Krishna's time , which has similiar resemblance to present Political plots.
You all know the story of "Akashvani" proclaiming that Mathura King Kamsa will be killed by 8th Child born to his Sister Devaki for torturing his subjects of Mathura and for all his adhrama activities. Kamsa took the warning serious and killed 7 new born children and eighth child was shifted by divine. When Kamsa lifts the 8th child , a Divine voice tell him " Kamsa your destroyer , is born elsewhere" . Kamsa trembles .
Kamsa calls all his courtiers and orders to kill all the new born children in his Kingdom. He felt only righteous Swamijis/Sadhus will train his killer and motivate masses to rebel against his rule, orders his men to burn all hermitages and make Sadhu/Sants run for their lives and drive all his subjects who are unhappy with him.
Hearing all this his Minister Bahuka said " Maharaja Kams , if you kill children their parent.relatives will turn against you and if you attack Holy Sadhu/Sants the society will show its wrath , so its not advisable to kill new born children openly or wipe out Holy men . Do not drive away your subjects , they will raise Military and turn your enemy".
Then Kamsa asks Bahuks what shud he do to save himself from possible rebel by his subjects .
Then Bhamuk tells Kamsa " Maharaj , lets bring rift in society , make them fight among themselves that will end the unity in society . Open your palace treasury , give them easy money , give subsidies make them parasites, make them drink alcohol and get lost in addiction . Corrupt the minds of Women , encourage prostitution and impress upon Women that chastity is not important , money/pleasure is . Once Men & Women lose their characters no one will follow religion thus your subject will stay away from righteous ppl like Sages/Sants . People will laugh at the words of Rights , Responsibility , Truth , Sacrifice , Patriotism . Thus even if Lord Narayana descends , as Akashvani told you , wud find helpless with no support from your self-occupied subjects. And there wont be any mass rebellion in the kingdom thus you can easily face the one whom Akashvani has mentioned in an Dual fight"
Guys , its happening on same lines , so much of loot by politicians , people still vote for corrupt (Viz YS Jaganmohan Reddy) . So many rifts/disturbances in the society in the name region, religion , caste , culture . We are so mentally corrupt that we stopped questioning the misrule of Plutocrats . Despite so much of corruption happening every where, none of us find fit to raise our voice against the source of all evils Smt Sonia Gandhi . We dont have time , we all are engulfed in family or other kind of pleasures . We cajole and make sarcastic comments on Hindu Sants like Baba Ramdev or Anna Hazare , we dont want to walk in their footsteps , we prefer to be another YS Jagan/Raja/Kanimozhi looting the country , even if it leads to imprisonment .
Guyz, Are we falling to ploys of modern day Bhamuks ???
Think It Over !

1 comment:
GoI blocked www.voiceofdharma.com too . Its defi Emergency in India .
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